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Sesenta años de investigación metalúrgica en el CSIC Mariano Crespo García; Narciso García Morais; Prudencio Mateo Nieto Publication year: 2009 Language: Spanish The Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Metalúrgicas (National metallurgy research centre, CENIM), was created in 1963 with the aim of centralising in a single institution the research work of the Inst... Free eBook Available in the catalog: 04/12/2011 |
Materia de escritura : entre el signo y la abstracción en la época del Intermedia (1950-1980) Edition: Henar Rivière; Arantxa Romero Publication year: 2022 Language: Spanish Review not available in English.... Available in the catalog: 12/05/2022 |
Flora ibérica. Vol. XIX (I), Gramineae (partim) Coordination: Santiago Castroviejo Bolivar Publication year: 2020 Language: Spanish Review in English not available.... Available in the catalog: 02/09/2021 |
Libro de música de vihuela, intitulado Silva de Sirenas (Valladolid, 1547). Volumen II Enríquez de Valderrábano Publication year: 2016 Language: Spanish Review in English not available.... Free eBook Available in the catalog: 05/11/2017 |
La Guerra Civil (1936-1939). Vol. II Juan Andrés Blanco Rodríguez; Sergio Riesco Roche; María del Rosario Ruiz Franco Publication year: 1996 Language: Spanish Bibliographic collection on Spanish civil war, which includes books, papers and articles, published between 1975 and 1995. The authors realize a bibliometric analysis based on the selected bibliograph... Free eBook Available in the catalog: 08/17/2012 |
El mercado del patrimonio: nacimiento, estructura y desarrollo de las empresas que gestionan el patrimonio arqueológico Publication year: 2009 Language: Spanish In this study we have made an approach to the innovation process, as a determinant factor of economic growth, applied to the emergence and development of a new niche of market: Commercial Archaeology,... Free eBook Available in the catalog: 11/09/2011 |