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Last titles  (2023-2024)

Del arte conceptual... ¿al arte objeto? : conceptualismos en el eje Latinoamérica-España durante la Guerra FríaDel arte conceptual... ¿al arte objeto? : conceptualismos en el eje Latinoamérica-España durante la Guerra Fría

Publication year: 2024

Pablo Santa Olalla Moya

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Las pandemiasLas pandemias

Publication year: 2024

Fernando Valladares

El foro provincial de Tarraco : nuevos estudios sobre su arquitectura monumentalEl foro provincial de Tarraco : nuevos estudios sobre su arquitectura monumental

Publication year: 2024

Javier Á. Domingo; Patrizio Pensabene

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Historia del vacíoHistoria del vacío

Publication year: 2024

José Luis de Segovia
Edition: Román Nevshupa Kasatkin; Joaquín Dacosta Esteban

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Manual de la poroelasticidad linealManual de la poroelasticidad lineal

Publication year: 2024

Juan Carlos Mosquera Feijóo; Jaime Carlos Gálvez Ruiz

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Riesgos y amenazas de los eventos marinos extremosRiesgos y amenazas de los eventos marinos extremos

Publication year: 2024

Coordination: E. García-Ladona; L. García García; R. Orfila; R. Figueroa; J. Guillen; E. Berdalet

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Ciencia para las políticas Incendios forestales La resistencia de las bacterias a los antibióticos Producir alimentos sin agotar el planeta ¿Cómo garantizar un sistema energético seguro, eficiente y limpio?
Sequías Combatir la contaminación por plásticos Nutrición sostenible y saludable El riesgo volcánico Enfermedades metabólicas : las epidemias del siglo XXI
Contaminación lumínica : los peligros de un mundo cada vez más iluminado Recursos marinos vivos : transformando la gestión para un océano resiliente Cuando el agua dulce se vuelve salada : retos científicos y gestión de los ecosistemas acuáticos Riesgos y amenazas de los eventos marinos extremos

Science for Policy Reports

Recently, lots of Governments around the world go to the scientific community for advice to try to provide an answer to topics that, as poverty or climate change, are social concerns, but also problems that researchers are trying to understand. The covid-19 pandemic is an example of this practice, because there was an answer on behalf of scientists that not only showed the ability to bring new knowledges to the service of the citizenship, but also was patent of its great interest and motivation to do it.

The male and female researchers of CSIC, individually or collectively organized, participate in several hundreds of governmental counseling committees in all Administration levels, also in the European area and in all areas of public policy, such as sanitary, social, agriculture, fisheries, feeding, foreign policy, security, environmental, energetic, cultural, digital or the scientific policy itself, among others. Thanks to this counselling, the public authorities can know how much fishing quotas should be limited, how to manage aquariums, how many vaccines would be necessary to reach immunity or what aspects should be financed to make further progress in the fight against cancer.

New foundations for a sustainable global society Origins, (Co)Evolution, Diversity & Synthesis of Life Genome & Epigenetics Challenges in Biomedicine & Health Brain, Mind & Behaviour
Sustainable Primary Production Global change impacts Clean safe and efficient energy Understanding the basic components of the universe, its structure & evolution Digital & complex information
Artificial intelligence, robotics & data science Our future? Space colonization & exploration Ocean science challenges for 2030 Dynamic Earth : probing the past, preparing for the future

White Papers

CSIC Scientific Challenges: Towards 2030

What are the significant scientific challenges of the first half of the 21st century? Can we establish the priorities for the future? How should the scientific community tackle them?

These books present the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) reflections on 14 strategic themes established based on their scientific impact and social importance.

Fundamental questions are addressed, including the origin of life, the exploration of the universe, artificial intelligence, the development of clean, safe, efficient energy, or the understanding of brain function. The documents identify complex challenges in health and social sciences, and the selected strategic themes cover both fundamental issues and potential applications of knowledge.

Nearly 1,100 researchers from more than 100 CSIC centers and other institutions (public research organizations, universities, etc.) have participated in this analysis. All agree on the need for a multidisciplinary approach and the promotion of collaborative research to implement ambitious projects focused on specific topics.

These 14 “White Papers,” designed to serve as a frame of reference for the development of the institution’s scientific strategy, will provide an insight into the research currently being accomplished at the CSIC, and at the same time, build a global vision of what will be the critical scientific challenges over the next decade.

Another interesting books

Coherence-based Computational AgencyCoherence-based Computational Agency

Sindhu Joseph

Publication year: 2011

Language: English

In this book we address the problem of introducing flexibility and adaptability in autonomous agent design in the context of agents situated in regulated environments. We argue that current cognitive ...

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Available in the catalog: 10/04/2013

Filosofía de la lógicaFilosofía de la lógica

Edition: Raúl Orayen; Alberto Moretti

Publication year: 2005

Language: spanish

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Available in the catalog: 05/31/2013

Políticas públicas y televisión digital: el caso de la TDT en España y el Reino UnidoPolíticas públicas y televisión digital: el caso de la TDT en España y el Reino Unido

Mª Trinidad García Leiva

Publication year: 2008

Language: spanish

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Available in the catalog: 02/22/2013

Trillar los mares: la expedición descubridora de Bruno de Hezeta al noroeste de América, 1775Trillar los mares: la expedición descubridora de Bruno de Hezeta al noroeste de América, 1775

Salvador Bernabeu Albert

Publication year: 1995

Language: Spanish

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Available in the catalog: 08/15/2011

Música barroca española. Volumen V. Cantatas y canciones para voz solista e instrumentos (1640-1760)Música barroca española. Volumen V. Cantatas y canciones para voz solista e instrumentos (1640-1760)

Miguel Querol Gavaldá

Publication year: 2017

Language: Spanish

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Available in the catalog: 11/08/2017

Las ciencias y tecnologías marinas en EspañaLas ciencias y tecnologías marinas en España

Coordination: Carlos Manuel Duarte Quesada

Publication year: 2006

Language: Spanish

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Available in the catalog: 04/12/2011