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Bacterial resistance to antibiotics

Bacterial resistance to antibiotics
Bacterial resistance to antibiotics

Pilar García (coordinacion)

Affiliation: Not available

Biography: Not available

Daniel López (coordinacion)

Affiliation: Not available

Biography: Not available

Álvaro San Millán (coordinacion)

Affiliation: Not available

Biography: Not available

Jesús M. Sanz (coordinacion)

Affiliation: Not available

Biography: Not available

Juan A. Hermoso (coordinacion)

Affiliation: Not available

Biography: Not available

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Coordination: Pilar García; Daniel López; Álvaro San Millán; Jesús M. Sanz; Juan A. Hermoso

About the authors 

Publication year: 2024

Language: English

Subjects: Life Sciences, Popular Science

Collection: Science for Public Policy

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The CSIC’s functions include informing, assisting and advising public and private entities on science and technology, as stated in article 5 of its Articles of Association. In undertaking this task, we present the report Bacterial resistance to antibiotics, from the Science for Public Policy series, as a document targeting both public administrations and society in general. It explains basic concepts about the growing resistance of bacteria to antibiotics, lists the main impacts on ecosystems and outlines some of the CSIC’s most important lines of researchon the behaviour of multi-resistant bacteria, as well as the most innovative treatments.

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Bibliographic information

Physical Description : 64 p.

Publication: Madrid : Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, 2024

Other data: (Science for Public Policy; 3)

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This book was added to our online catalog on Thursday 04 July, 2024.