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Tackling plastic pollution

Tackling plastic pollution
Tackling plastic pollution

Auxiliadora Prieto (coordinacion)

Affiliation: Not available

Biography: Not available

Juan Rodríguez Hernández (coordinacion)

Affiliation: Not available

Biography: Not available

Cinta Porte Visa (coordinacion)

Affiliation: Not available

Biography: Not available

Amparo López-Rubio (coordinacion)

Affiliation: Not available

Biography: Not available

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Coordination: Auxiliadora Prieto; Juan Rodríguez Hernández; Cinta Porte Visa; Amparo López-Rubio

About the authors 

Publication year: 2024

Language: English

Subjects: Earth Sciences, Popular Science

Collection: Science for Public Policy

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The CSIC’s functions include informing, assisting and advising public and private entities on science and technology, as stated in Article 5 of its Articles of Association. Undertaking this task, we present the report Tackling plastic pollution, from the Science for Public Policy series, as a document targeting public administrations and society in general. Herein, we analyse the environmental and health problem posed by the increasing production of plastics and the release of micro- or nano-plastics and other additives into the environment, and we propose numerous strategies to reduce this pollution.
The report addresses the research being carried out by the CSIC to achieve sustainable plastics production and establish the foundation for implementing a circular economy in this sector, including chemical strategies, biotechnological approaches as well as proposals for the regulation and certification of more sustainable polymeric materials.

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Bibliographic information

Physical Description : 60 p.

Publication: Madrid : Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, 2024

Reference CSIC: 14216

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