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El riesgo volcánico

El riesgo volcánico
El riesgo volcánico

Xavier Bolós (coordinacion)

Affiliation: Not available

Biography: Not available

Stéphanie Barde-Cabusson (coordinacion)

Affiliation: Not available

Biography: Not available

Adelina Geyer (coordinacion)

Affiliation: Not available

Biography: Not available

Nieves Sánchez (coordinacion)

Affiliation: Not available

Biography: Not available

Inés Galindo (coordinacion)

Affiliation: Not available

Biography: Not available

Eugenio Fraile-Nuez (coordinacion)

Affiliation: Not available

Biography: Not available

Juan Tomás Vázquez (coordinacion)

Affiliation: Not available

Biography: Not available

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Coordination: Xavier Bolós; Stéphanie Barde-Cabusson; Adelina Geyer; Nieves Sánchez; Inés Galindo; Eugenio Fraile-Nuez; Juan Tomás Vázquez

About the authors 

Publication year: 2024

Language: Spanish

Subjects: Earth Sciences, Popular Science

Collection: Ciencia para las Políticas Públicas

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Bibliographic information

Physical Description : 85 p. : 23 cm

Publication: Madrid : Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, 2024

Reference CSIC: 14247

Other data: (Ciencia para las Políticas Públicas; 9)

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This book was added to our online catalog on Monday 22 July, 2024.