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Science for Policy

Science for Policy
Science for Policy

Vicenzo Pavone (coordinacion)

Affiliation: Not available

Biography: Not available

Jordi Molas (coordinacion)

Affiliation: Not available

Biography: Not available

Jordi Brandts (coordinacion)

Affiliation: Not available

Biography: Not available

Rafael Serrano (coordinacion)

Affiliation: Not available

Biography: Not available

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Coordination: Vicenzo Pavone; Jordi Molas; Jordi Brandts; Rafael Serrano

About the authors 

Publication year: 2024

Language: English

Subjects: Social Sciences, Popular Science

Collection: Science for Public Policy

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Increasingly, many of the world’s governments have turned to the scientific community for advice on how to respond to issues such as poverty and climate change, which are major issues of concern. The covid-19 pandemic is an example of this practice, as there was a response from scientists, who not only demonstrated their ability to bring new knowledge to the service of the public, but also their great interest and motivation to do so.
CSIC researchers, either individually or organised collectively, participate in several hundred governmental advisory committees at all administrative levels including at the European level, and in all areas of public policy, such as health, social issues, agriculture, fisheries, food, foreign policy, security, environment, energy, culture, digital and even science policy, among others. Thanks to this advice, public decision-makers can find out how much fishing quotas should be limited, how aquifers should be managed, how many vaccines will be needed to achieve herd immunity or what aspects should be financed in order to make further progress in the fight against cancer.

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Bibliographic information

Physical Description : 96 p. : 23 cm

Publication: Madrid : Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, 2024

Reference CSIC: 14230

Other data: (Science for Public Policy; 1)

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This book was added to our online catalog on Tuesday 02 July, 2024.